ISBN 978-607-29-4120-5

Medical Therapeutics and Syncretism in Colonial Mexico

Autor:Garcés Martínez, Javier Hernand
Colaborador:Garcés Martínez, Javier Hernand (Traductor)
Editorial:Garcés Martínez, Javier Hernand
Materia:Ciencias médicas Medicina
Público objetivo:General
Número de edición:1


History of medicine. The mixed man, the mestizo, the mestizo medicine, the mestizo world, the conjugated duality, the third root: Africa. We learned to take into account the different paths that each ethnic group took to reach the same point: to cure an illness, be it emotional or physical. On the one hand, the Spaniards considered, at the beginning, the native medicine as dangerous and charlatan, on the other hand, with the passing of the years the three versions are conjugated in the mestizo; the emotional part, the mystical, the physiological and more advanced modern medicine, never leaving behind what is ours: magic, that belief that does not let us think that we are beings of light, that our energy and our total part is also governed by a divine energy that makes us universal beings.
In the same way, we learned that we should not hate or feel less or more than anyone else; we are a race of mestizos who learned from the encounters of our ancestors, that we are what we are because we can learn from everything that happened to us.


Puebla No. 143, Col. Roma, Delegación Cuauhtémoc, C. P. 06700, México, D. F / Tel. 36011000 - Ext: 69326