ISBN 978-607-8759-26-2

Ethical bases in scientific Research and its disclosure

Autor:Reluz-Barturén, Francisco Felizardo
Cervera-Vallejos, Mirtha Flor
Taboada-Montaño, Luisín Antonelli
Chanduví-Calderón, Wilder De La Cruz
Ballena-De la Cruz, Abel Dionicio
Moyano-Muñoz, Juan José Augusto
Editorial:Universidad Tecnocientífica del Pacífico
Materia:Ética ocupacional
Clasificación:Cuestiones éticas: desarrollos científicos, tecnológicos y médicos
Público objetivo:Profesional / académico
Número de edición:1
Número de páginas:0


Scientific work, technology and innovation and their dissemination constitute an inevitable part throughout human history, but at present, it has particular characteristics, due to the boom in our communication media of our time. Daily we use products derived from scientific praxis and its technological manufacture, as well as we consume the information related to it in books, scientific articles, papers, documentaries, radio programs, multimedia, etc., enormous information that requires reflective discernment on the part of the receiver, but mainly from the person who prepares the communication and disseminates it, from the scientific disseminator.
Both the producer of science, technology and innovation and their communications, as well as the disseminator and the consumer of the same, converge in the personal reality and the shared social context, hence it is necessary to reflect it as human activities where rationality is inevitably present , volition, the exercise of freedom, intentionality, among other realities, all of them subject to ethical understanding and experience.
The present text entitled has been prepared thought to be a writing with clarifying content of the philosophical notions involved in ethics aimed at people interested in scientific research and its dissemination, who come formatively from various areas and disciplines of human knowledge: professionals of the health, professionals of the experimental sciences, experts in technology and social communications, as well as educators of various levels and modalities, all interested in scientific work and its dissemination, in such a way that the text presented, in its preparation, has followed the recommendation of Ortega y Gasset: "clarity is the courtesy of the philosopher", and of course it is also the courtesy of any researcher of the different sciences and disciplines of knowledge.
The book is the product of an applied conceptual analysis investigation that seeks to fill a void regarding the ethics of research, particularly its disclosure, in which information is often biased and ideologized, and even invented with no other intention than to capture advertising with exclusive economic interests that depersonalize the scientist and the disseminator, turning science into a manipulable object of the market, so it is projected to motivate reflection and comprehensive training in humanistic competencies of those interested in these issues.
The methodological dynamics of the team that authored this work, led by Francisco Reluz, occurred in the first place by the design of a proposal for the dissemination of ethical reflections in research that seeks to be more reflective than informative, based on the expertise of each of the summoned authors, so that after a careful study, socialize the whole team in order to jointly analyze what was expressed and, in a second phase, collect the contributions made in the analysis and comments of the team, so that the final text , which you now have in your hands, dear reader, meet the requirements for clarifying information and reflective motivation on the need for ethics in research and its dissemination, hence the presentation of a casuistry that complements the text.
Based on what has been said, in the first part Wilder Chanduví reflects on the ethical bases of science and its dissemination, while Francisco Reluz addresses the issue of the person and their action in scientific dissemination in addition to reflecting on the principles, values and normative establishing their relationship with science and its dissemination, while Mirtha Cervera, Abel Ballena and Juan Moyano carry out a careful selection of cases for analysis and pose crucial questions that guide reflection, in such a way that readers can investigate and resolve by consolidating critical thinking.


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