Natural resource modeling and management II
The International Workshop on Natural Resource Modeling and Analysis took place for the first time in summer of 1989 with the co-sponsorhip and enthusiasm of the Resource Modelers Association (RMA) and the Center for Scientific Research and Graduate Studies of Ensenada B.C. Mexico (CICESE). Researchers from Canada, Mexico, United States, and South Africa gathered in Ensenada and under the direction o f Hector Echavarria Heras and Roland Lamberson to initiate the workshop. Since then, until summer of 1993 students from Argentina, Chile, Cuba, Colombia, Mexico, Spain and France enrolled the workshops to attend the lectures presented by highly qualified speakers.
We thank all the people who came to participate in the workshop every year, many of them came more than one time and all always gave more than they where expected. Our deepest thanks to all of them. We thank Andres Angamussi, Luis Calderon, Michel Dreyfus, Elizabeth Edwards, Roberto Enriquez, Larry Jacobson, Pierre Kleiber, Nancy Lo, Robert Mackelvey, Ashley Mullen, Edgar Pavia, Peter Perkins, Bill Reed, Carlos Salvado, Paul Smith, Elena Solana, Oscar Sosa, Dale Squires and Anthony Starfield.
As a result of these workshops we present a series of papers which contain some of the presentations given in the workshops as well as other scientific topics associated with the subjects presented there.