

The physical world we Iive in is a complex and dynamic system that exists from the constant interaction of its elements. Certain variables of this system, that can be tracked down in time, Show fluctuation within specific stable parameters for approximately the last 10,000 years, during the geological epoch Holocene, Where life as we know it emerged and evolved, These conditions have changed in the last centuries, and some
Parameters like the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere are way out of the boundaries where they moved for the last millennia. The driver of these changes are the activities conducted by the human species as a whole.
It was, however, only at the beginning of the new millennia that a call to recognise the planetary scale of the impact of human activities gained ground in the geological sciences, and in a growing number of disciplines and in the public spheres. This call was made by the Nobel Prize winner and atmospheric biochemist Paul Crutzen, and Eugene Stoermer, a biologist and diatoms specialist, who recommended the current geological epoch be named ′Anthropocene’ to ′′emphasize the central role of mankind in geology and ecology’ ’(Crutzen & Stoermer, 2000: 17. The Anthropocene concept started to ignite debates across an ever-increasing range of disciplines, including geopolitics (DaIby, 2007,
biodiversity conservation (Braverman, 2014), global environmental law, governance, human rights (Kotzé, 2014a; 2014b; Biermann et al., 2016〉, and the human existence as species (Roelvink, 2013; Malm & Homborg, 2014) among many others.


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