ISBN 978-607-8935-96-3

Industrial Policy to Enhance Industry 4.0
The case of Guanajuato, Mexico

Martinez Martinez, Adriana
Santos Corral, María Josefa
López Santillana, Héctor Germán René
De Gortari Rabiela, Rebeca Nadia Ximena
García Garnica, Alejandro (Prologuista)
Diez Reyes, Selene (Prologuista)
Alfaro Gómez, Ramón (Prologuista)
Martinez Martinez, Adriana (Traductor)
Editorial:Plaza y Valdés
Materia:Sociología y antropología
Público objetivo:Profesional / académico
Número de edición:1
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In a world where technology is becoming an increasingly crucial resource, it is worth reflecting on how, and to what extent, specific regions can incorporate it into their development. This book immerses the reader in the vibrant heart of Guanajuato, illustrating the path this Mexican state has taken to adopt the Industry 4.0 model.

Through an in-depth analysis and concrete examples, the text in your hands explores the evolution of industrial policy and the development strategies that have positioned Guanajuato as the fifth-largest economy in Mexico.

The cases of León and Guanajuato Puerto Interior highlight the role played by both specialized infrastructure and collaborative networks among the various stakeholders of the quadruple helix in building a thriving industrial state.

Industrial Policy to Enhance Industry 4.0: The Case of Guanajuato is essential reading for business leaders, policymakers, and academics interested in the intersection of technology, innovation, and regional development. By the end of this book, readers will not only understand how Guanajuato has achieved its transformation but will also gain insights and tools to envision how other regions might follow a similar path toward a sustainable and technologically advanced future.


Puebla No. 143, Col. Roma, Delegación Cuauhtémoc, C. P. 06700, México, D. F / Tel. 36011000 - Ext: 69326