ISBN 978-607-99566-1-5

Statement of research integrity on vicarious violence or through an intermediary
Declaración de integridad científica en violencia vicaria o por interpósita persona

Harman, Jennifer Jill
Warshak, Richard A
Lorandos, Demosthenes
Florian, Matthew J
Lee Maturana, Sau-Lyn
Mullis, M Devyn
Deeter, Petra
Riofrio Rivera, Anibal
González Betanzos, Fabiola
Ramirez Acuña, David Alonso
Maldonado López, Cármen Marianella
Bermúdez Tapia, Manuel Alexis
Pérez Agüero, María Cristina
Ruiz Vega, Rodolfo Jr
Mendoza Amaro, Alejandro (Coordinador editorial)
William, Bernet (Coordinador editorial)
Ferreira González, Jesús Emmanuel (Editor Literario)
Abudara Bini, Oscar (Editor Literario)
Kruk, Edward (Editor Literario)
Oropeza Tena, Roberto (Editor Literario)
Villicaña Palomares, María Guadalupe (Editor Literario)
Sánchez Loyo, Luis Miguel (Editor Literario)
Leenen, Iwin (Editor Literario)
Casas Muñoz, Abigail (Editor Literario)
Grajeda Pérez, Águeda Celeste (Editor Literario)
Árciga Tovar, Héctor (Editor Literario)
Carranza Plancarte, Julio Israel (Editor Literario)
Tapia Martínez, Roberto Carlos (Editor Literario)
García Chávez, Luz Elena (Editor Literario)
Madrigal Servín, Guadalupe (Editor Literario)
Cañada Rangel, Carmina Edith (Traductor)
López Munguía, Fernando (Prologuista)
Editorial:Global Action for Research Integrity in Parental Alienation
Público objetivo:Profesional / académico
Número de edición:1
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To address the problem of the double denial of science in parental alienation and its change of name to vicarious violence or through an intermediary to only recognize the manipulation of children as a problem that exclusively affects mothers as a gender violence problem, and with it, the inversion of the normative hierarchy of human rights where the human rights of women are placed before the best interests of the minor.
As well as pretending that filicide out of revenge is also a problem of gender violence, which they call extreme vicarious violence, since they only study cases of perpetrating fathers, when international literature recognizes that at a global level the proportion of filicidal mothers and fathers is similar and that this is an extremely complex and multi-causal phenomenon in which only around 4% of cases could be classified as revenge, with the same proportion between fathers and mothers.
A team of 30 researchers and experts from 8 countries was convened, who developed 15 chapters plus an illustrated glossary, summary, objectives, scope, introduction, background, conclusions and recommendations. The team, made up of two coordinators, 14 chapters authors, 14 editorial reviewers, two style reviewers and a translator, who in total wrote more than 235 pages, not including annexes and other appendices.
The result is the discovery of countless problems of scientific fraud such as a systematic misrepresentation of concepts, plagiarism, falsification of information, questionable research practices, lack of review by ethics and bioethics committees, methodological problems, bad editorial practices, logical fallacies, false narratives, inadequate interpretation of human rights, public policies without scientific basis, legislation without any basis in various Spanish-speaking countries, its inadequate and unjustified validation by the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation of Mexico and an unfounded exhortation from the European Parliament to the countries of the European Union, which as a whole, generate a Larsen effect in misinformation.
The final reflection is that denying the existence of parental alienation generated a domino effect in a circle that finally crushes the first piece, which now affects largely women. Those who deny parental alienation, instead of recognizing their error, try to change its name to argue that it is a problem of gender violence, when we are facing a problem of violence against children, which can be perpetrated by the father, the mother and sometimes another member of the family.


Puebla No. 143, Col. Roma, Delegación Cuauhtémoc, C. P. 06700, México, D. F / Tel. 36011000 - Ext: 69326