ISBN 978-607-59903-1-6

Rebirth of the dragon

Autor:Morán Ríos, Carlos Francisco
Editorial:Morán Ríos Carlos Francisco
Materia:Poesía y novelística épicas latinas
Público objetivo:Jóvenes adultos
Número de edición:1
Número de páginas:383
Encuadernación:Tapa blanda o rústica
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After the continuous attempts on his life, Shen Mu is tired of running and travels back to the palace in hopes of finding the culprit.
But there are more cogs at work now: the Huns are invading and our hero must face the new threat before somebody finally finishes him off!
With the Dragon ever present in his mind, will he be able to achieve peace and save the Empire?

With this, the third volume of the Saga, we reach the middle of the plot and get to know new characters who will be important to the story, as well as the main Female Character.
Buckle your seatbelts because this time the Empire will not come out unscathed.


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