ISBN 978-607-8540-77-8

Nifty 3

Almaguer Rodríguez, Evelyn Janis
Domínguez Castelán, Miguel Ángel
Nuño Ramírez, Ruth Sinahí
López Quiñonez, Angelica Melina
Vanegas Queruz, Laura
Editorial:Comparán Rizo, Ricardo
Público objetivo:Enseñanza preescolar, infantil, primaria, secundaria y bachillerato
Número de edición:1
Número de páginas:128
Encuadernación:Tapa blanda o rústica


Nifty 3 was written to support high school students considering that students learn in different ways; it contains examples so that they can develop their abilities paying special attention to add mainly exercises that should facilitate the learning and that at the same time are interesting to them. For the previous the principal method that has been used is the explanation of the grammar and the reinforcement
with practical exercises.
It is necessary to emphasize that students will enjoy learning English, if they find an easy method that facilitates the development of their skills, and of course that is the main reason for this book, and the exercises included are thought to respond to this, giving confidence and security to the student.
The reading, writing and listening skills will be developed in an integral way, working with the exercises prepared with the topics or the third level. All activities are planned so that the student feels in a relaxed environment but with a comprehensive learning approach.


Puebla No. 143, Col. Roma, Delegación Cuauhtémoc, C. P. 06700, México, D. F / Tel. 36011000 - Ext: 69326