ISBN 978-607-99269-1-5

Business management models

Castro Valencia, Alberto Merced
Gleason Jiménez, Lina Ruth
Carreón Gutiérrez, Omar Bonifacio
Ramírez Sánchez, José de Jesús
Macías Galindo, Luis Roberto
Editorial:Haro Alcaraz Sergio
Materia:Modelos matemáticos y simulación
Público objetivo:Enseñanza universitaria o superior
Número de edición:1
Número de páginas:112
Encuadernación:Tapa blanda o rústica


At present, the business need for processes that involve the generation and application of knowledge for development and better performance. Tools such as the plans of marketing, plans of business plans strategic and others contribute to this process, so involving best management practices that contribute to better outcomes organizational.

Undoubtedly, disseminating the knowledge generated in this book on Business Management Models: business improvement opportunities, provides its readers with experiences on the search for practical solutions, application examples in the business sector, as well as studies and research methodologies graduate, showing the benefit of being able to replicate similar business projects, we hope that your query will be of use.


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