

The fundamental purpose of this book is twofold. On the one hand, it to offer the readers a general scope on what Industry 4.0 (also known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution) is: its definition, its distinctive characteristics, and its importance, as well as the challenges and opportunities it implies for Mexico and other emergent countries. On the other hand, to provide empiric evidence regarding what is currently happening at some business and industrial levels.

Targeted at those individuals interested in delving into the study of Industry 4.0, this book is also geared towards researchers or students wishing to delve into topics related to automation, digital technologies, and their impact on education, employment, and production processes. This academic product is equally appealing to decision-makers in the business or public sector, as it outlines some of the most important issues, areas of opportunity, and challenges that economies will face in the future when promoting or developing digital technologies in the current context of post-pandemic, financial uncertainty, and market reorganization.


Puebla No. 143, Col. Roma, Delegación Cuauhtémoc, C. P. 06700, México, D. F / Tel. 36011000 - Ext: 69326